Dr. Laurie McGarry Klose has more than 30 years of experience presenting in educational contexts. Her international and national audiences have included school psychologists, educators and parents in Hong Kong, Hawaii, Wyoming, Kentucky, Washington D.C., Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, California, Massachusetts, and, closer to home, Texas. The following is a representative sample of topics for professional development. If you have a specific need or topic, please contact RespectED and we will work with you to create the professional development relevant to your staff.
Professional Ethics for School Psychologists
As a national expert in the application of ethical problem solving to professional situations, Dr. Klose has presented more than 40 workshops on professional ethics in school psychology. These presentations meet the ethics requirement for renewing the LSSP in Texas and the Nationally Certified School Psychology credential.
Fee: $500/ 3 hour workshop
PREPaRE- School Safety and Crisis Preparedness Curriculum
The PREPaRE curriculum has been developed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) as part of NASP's decade-long leadership in providing evidence-based resources and consultation related to school crisis prevention and response. PREPaRE training is ideal for schools committed to improving and strengthening their school safety and crisis management plans and emergency response. PREPaRE provides school-based mental health professionals and other educational professionals training on how to best fill the roles and responsibilities generated by their participation on school safety and crisis teams.
PREPaRE Workshop 1, Second Edition, 2011
Crisis Prevention and Preparedness: Comprehensive School Safety Planning
This 1-day workshop provides school-based mental health professionals, administrators, security professionals, and other educators the knowledge and resources to help them establish and sustain comprehensive school safety and crisis prevention and preparedness efforts.
Cost: $750.00; up to 100 participants (plus $35 materials fee per participant)
PREPaRE Workshop 2, Second Edition, 2011
Crisis Intervention and Recovery: The Roles of School-Based Mental Health Professionals
This 2-day workshop provides school-based mental health professionals and other school crisis intervention team members with the knowledge necessary to meet the mental health needs of students and staff following a school-associated crisis event.
Cost: $3000; Includes 2 trainers for both days; up to 40 school-based mental health providers as participants (plus $45 materials fee per participant)
Autism Evaluation
Training for school based teams including school psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and special education teachers. Focus will be on utilizing available assessment techniques to address eligibility for special education and related services under the category Autism. Instruments discussed include: ADOS-2, ADI-R, SRS-2, SCQ, ASRS, GARS-2 and other measures that are not specific to autism.
Cost: $500/ half day; $750 full day; $1500 intensive two day
Counseling as a Related Service
This training is for school psychologists who want to refresh their direct service individual and group counseling skills. Content includes Counseling eligibility determination, goal setting and progress monitoring for counseling, appropriate theoretical approaches for related services counseling, and resources for individual and group sessions.
Cost: $750 full day
Working with Aggressive Girls
This workshop presents the Treating Aggressive Girls (TAG) system for evaluating intervention programs for use with girls. In addition, the etiology of aggressive behavior in girls and cultural influences impacting aggressive behavior and its consequences.n This presentation meets the diversity professional development requirement for renewal of the LSSP.
Cost: $500/ half day
Understanding Psychoeducational Evaluations
This presentation can be tailored for either parents or educators. It is designed to explain the process of the psychoeducational evaluation and how it relates to special education eligibility.
Cost: $500/ 3 hours; $100/ 1 hour introductory presentation for parents
Motivation and Achievement
This presentation can be tailored for parents or educators. For parents, the focus is understanding their child's behavior as it relates to motivation for achievement. For educators, this presentation describes the self-worth theory of achievement motivation and how a student's behavior reflects their efforts to protect a sense of self worth. Understanding behavior that is not consistent with learning is the focus of the presentation. In addition, educational structures that impact student motivation in a negative manner are examined and alternatives offered. Note: this is not a behavior modification presentation.
Cost: $500/ 3 hours; $100/ 1 hour presentation for parents
Professional Ethics for School Psychologists
As a national expert in the application of ethical problem solving to professional situations, Dr. Klose has presented more than 40 workshops on professional ethics in school psychology. These presentations meet the ethics requirement for renewing the LSSP in Texas and the Nationally Certified School Psychology credential.
Fee: $500/ 3 hour workshop
PREPaRE- School Safety and Crisis Preparedness Curriculum
The PREPaRE curriculum has been developed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) as part of NASP's decade-long leadership in providing evidence-based resources and consultation related to school crisis prevention and response. PREPaRE training is ideal for schools committed to improving and strengthening their school safety and crisis management plans and emergency response. PREPaRE provides school-based mental health professionals and other educational professionals training on how to best fill the roles and responsibilities generated by their participation on school safety and crisis teams.
PREPaRE Workshop 1, Second Edition, 2011
Crisis Prevention and Preparedness: Comprehensive School Safety Planning
This 1-day workshop provides school-based mental health professionals, administrators, security professionals, and other educators the knowledge and resources to help them establish and sustain comprehensive school safety and crisis prevention and preparedness efforts.
Cost: $750.00; up to 100 participants (plus $35 materials fee per participant)
PREPaRE Workshop 2, Second Edition, 2011
Crisis Intervention and Recovery: The Roles of School-Based Mental Health Professionals
This 2-day workshop provides school-based mental health professionals and other school crisis intervention team members with the knowledge necessary to meet the mental health needs of students and staff following a school-associated crisis event.
Cost: $3000; Includes 2 trainers for both days; up to 40 school-based mental health providers as participants (plus $45 materials fee per participant)
Autism Evaluation
Training for school based teams including school psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and special education teachers. Focus will be on utilizing available assessment techniques to address eligibility for special education and related services under the category Autism. Instruments discussed include: ADOS-2, ADI-R, SRS-2, SCQ, ASRS, GARS-2 and other measures that are not specific to autism.
Cost: $500/ half day; $750 full day; $1500 intensive two day
Counseling as a Related Service
This training is for school psychologists who want to refresh their direct service individual and group counseling skills. Content includes Counseling eligibility determination, goal setting and progress monitoring for counseling, appropriate theoretical approaches for related services counseling, and resources for individual and group sessions.
Cost: $750 full day
Working with Aggressive Girls
This workshop presents the Treating Aggressive Girls (TAG) system for evaluating intervention programs for use with girls. In addition, the etiology of aggressive behavior in girls and cultural influences impacting aggressive behavior and its consequences.n This presentation meets the diversity professional development requirement for renewal of the LSSP.
Cost: $500/ half day
Understanding Psychoeducational Evaluations
This presentation can be tailored for either parents or educators. It is designed to explain the process of the psychoeducational evaluation and how it relates to special education eligibility.
Cost: $500/ 3 hours; $100/ 1 hour introductory presentation for parents
Motivation and Achievement
This presentation can be tailored for parents or educators. For parents, the focus is understanding their child's behavior as it relates to motivation for achievement. For educators, this presentation describes the self-worth theory of achievement motivation and how a student's behavior reflects their efforts to protect a sense of self worth. Understanding behavior that is not consistent with learning is the focus of the presentation. In addition, educational structures that impact student motivation in a negative manner are examined and alternatives offered. Note: this is not a behavior modification presentation.
Cost: $500/ 3 hours; $100/ 1 hour presentation for parents