High quality IEE's are important for problem solving with parents. We provide comprehensive evaluations that address referral questions and are focused on assessing areas that are relevant for special education eligibility determination and IEP development. CONSULTATION Sometimes school administrators, teachers, service providers and evaluators need consultation with a knowledgeable professional. We provide consultation to schools regarding best practices, strategies for managing difficult situations and examination and recommendation of areas for improvement. STAFF DEVELOPMENT Expert staff development is provided by nationally known speakers in the following areas: Ethics and Professional Practices for School Psychologists Psychoeducational Evaluation Crisis Response and Intervention- The PREPaRE Model Counseling as a Related Service Achievement Motivation Autism Evaluation Aggressive Girls And other topics upon request! PROGRAM EVALUATION Systematic evaluation of interventions, school-wide programs, evaluation procedures, and disciplinary policies informs schools about the use of limited resources for the greatest impact. Program evaluation includes implementation fidelity, outcome analysis and recommendations for ongoing implementation. |